Monday, March 11, 2013

i found myself today

Or rather…

 i found a part of me that i’d like to root out
i’d like to gut it out, trench it out, cry it out
anything but have it live inside of me

along with this gut wrenching desire I felt a sense of enlightenment
a sense of moving forward, moving towards a goal

because as painful as the knowledge is
the knowledge of this awful part of myself

if i didn’t see it,
if i didn’t recognize and acknowledge it for what it was
how could I begin to change? 

how could i hope to be better, if i didn't realize i needed to be better?

tree (Oliver-du-tre)

image -

1 comment:

  1. I love you Elise! I love reading your thoughts and have a way of putting into words how I'm sure a lot of people feel but can't express. I hope you know you are amazing. And I'm already looking forward to our fall photoshoot haha
