Wednesday, October 10, 2012

i imagine

i imagine that its better then here
that it’s peaceful and bright
that hurts are soothed
not done away with but better

that hope abounds and joy is found

i imagine that they are there together
that tears flow from sadness, from sorrow
but through the tears smiles come and light

light shines where once light seemed it would never shine again

i imagine that here resides more pain then there
but that one day here will become there 
and pain will be a distant memory

and as i imagine 
i’m glad
glad for my here and glad for their there
and glad that i know one day my here will be there with them 


image via pinterest


  1. This is beautiful Elise. I am so sorry for your loss. What a wonderful reunion it must have been though. I hope some comfort can be found in knowing her parents were there to welcome her home. Love you! Let me know if I can do anything for you!

  2. Elise, I'm sorry for your loss as well. I don't know who you lost or when, but I'm sorry. My thoughts and prayers are with you
