Thursday, November 15, 2012

do you see?
can you see?

what happens when light shines through a still forest?
when light shines through a still forest that was only moments ago filled with darkness

does the forest change or is it just the beholder that changes
what if the beholder never actually sees the light 
never notices what changes?

if they never lift their eyes beyond their feet or beyond their thoughts of what comes tomorrow?
does the forest still change 
will the beholder experience this change?

no matter how dark a forest 
or how bright a light that shines on it 
the view will never change 
unless the beholder will see

and in seeing the beholder allows what they see by the light
to seep into their eyes 
into their thoughts 
and into their heart

no light, 
no matter how bright, 
can ever penetrate unless we first see

do you see?
will you see?

darkness exists naturally 
it’s not hard to find at any given time of the day 
even standing in the midst of the noon day sun 
all we need to do is turn our back or walk away 

and so it seems in this world of chaos that darkness is easy to find, 
it seems that it is even exalted and held up as truth 
but if we see beyond what our mortal eyes can see
if we move toward the light 
or even stand still with even the smallest desire to see the light 
we will.. 

we will find that light that waits,
in fact we will find that light that shines as bright 
if not brighter than the sun at noon day.  

In our mortal existence it’s not as easy as all that 
we find ourselves bogged down at times by darkness, 
sometimes even accepting darkness as our only reality.

But as we strive to find the light 
as take a step closer 
and closer 
we find that our reality of darkness wasn’t reality at all 
but an illusion of this world  
we find that our mortal eyes close 
and darkness abates 
and as our immortal eyes open light shines forth  

And when light is realized, 
when it is found 
it can’t be contained, 
it pours out,
 it seeps into the cracks that are dark, 
until all who will, can see that light
and be drawn towards it out of darkness

as i reach for the stars 
sometimes it feels as though they will never reach back
sometimes it seems that the light they give is blocked from my view
but then i find that it’s my own hand that is blocking the light

i find that as i rely on the light to first shine on me 
and then believing i reach out 
i stand up, i move on 

what i once was 
begins to evolve,
 it changes and progressses into what i was truly created for, 
who i was truly created to be

and as i trust and seek the light 
the light grows brigher and brighter
until it seems that the light is emitting from me  
but i know through experience the light isn’t coming from me at all 
but from the source 
and the source has lent me light 
so that others may see and come and gain light too

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